
Capacity buliding

Any Applicant seeking a grant for a thematic or sectoral project can apply for an additional capacity building grant, while capacity building must serve the purpose of more effective and efficient pursuit of the organisation’s mission.

The extra grant can be used for the following:

  • finding employees, external providers, and volunteers,
  • improving the team’s skills and providing other forms of professional development for people working for the organisation, including volunteers,
  • creating and expanding a membership base, and increasing involvement in the organisation’s activities,
  • devising the organisation’s overall strategy or functional strategies (relating to particular areas of management, such as marketing, fundraising, developing human resources, other)
  • research into beneficiaries and the organisation’s environment,
  • design, implementation, and/or raising standards of activities/and services provided by organisations,
  • raising the in-company standards for management of the organisation, such as personnel management, communication, financial management, accounting, etc.),
  • raising funds by various methods and from various sources,
  • PR, promotion, and communication with those around the organisation,
  • increasing accountability for the organisation’s activities and making them more transparent,
  • ensuring that activities are legally compliant,
  • increasing the capacity for consultations and monitoring and advocacy activities, and contributing to activities of this kind organised by other organisations,
  • increasing capacity for cooperation across organisations and across sectors, forging partnerships, and networking,
  • evaluations, organisational audits, financial audits, and other processes in which the organisation and its activities are appraised and reflected upon,
  • introducing new technologies and measures for digitisation of the organisation (such as devising and implementing a digital strategy, automation of fundraising operations, ensuring digital security, other),
  • purchasing fixed assets, including machinery and equipment, or performing minor refurbishments which are reasonable in view of working standard requirements or due to the need to operate on a larger scale or to a higher standard,
  • testing new solutions, performing pilot ventures to obtain information, experience, and know-how necessary to develop the statutory activities,
  • planning and implementing other change processes in the organisation.

Capacity building measures must be planned on the basis of a needs analysis and focus on solving selected, specific problems that are a major obstacle affecting the organisation’s capacity for development. They can also provide support for the process of launching new activities/services, or expanding them to include new recipient groups or a new geographical area. When stating the reasons for the choice of activities to support capacity building, an applicant is required to demonstrate how they will help to improve the organisation’s ability to effect its mission effectively and efficiently. A Project Promoter can conduct the co-financed capacity building activities acting individually or with assistance from external specialists.




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