Sectoral projects – videos of webinars and online training
02 June 2020

Videos of webinars and online training on sectoral projects and partnership cooperation are now available for viewing.


In the first webinar of 27 May 2020, we explain what the call for sectoral projects is, what its objectives are, and who can implement them, and we describe types of activities for which grants can be awarded.
The webinar video can be viewed HERE.

All of the important details concerning partnership cooperation in sectoral projects are provided in the next training session held on 29 May 2020.
The webinar video can be viewed HERE.

An online workshop was held on 4 June 2020 on how to draw up an application for a sectoral project grant. This meeting is recommended for people in organizations that will be named as the leader in the grant application.
The workshop video can be viewed HERE.

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