Matchmaking online meeting
09 April 2020

In a reference to the upcoming call for proposals for civic society sectoral projects as a part of the Active Citizens Fund – National we would like to invite you to the matchmaking online meeting which will be held on 23rd April 2020 (from 10 a.m. to 1 p.m CET) at the online platform.

The aim of the meeting is to facilitate networking  of Polish civil society organizations with their potential project partners from Donor States (Iceland, Liechtenstein and Norway). We also want to deliver and discuss information on the current condition of the civic sector in Poland and in Donor States and to share recommended activities empowering the civic sector from each country.
The meeting will be also the opportunity to deliver information about Active Citizens Fund – National application submission rules (call for proposals for sectoral projects) and answer concerns/questions addressed at the meeting.

In order to fulfill expected aims we decided to divide the meeting into two parts (you can find the full meeting’s agenda below). First part is a webinar and consists of presentations and time for participants’ questions. We invited representatives of Icelandic, Liechtenstein, Norwegian and Polish CSOs who will share their knowledge and reflections on the most common and effective CSO’s capacity building and civic sector empowerment and development activities.

The second part of the meeting is going to be a moderated discussion which will be based on the participants’ preferences marked in the registration forms. We proposed 3 topics. Let’s see which of them are going to be most interesting for matchmaking meeting’s participants. That is why we would like to ask you to fill the registration form (link below) in order to help us prepare the matchmaking meeting as much based on your needs and choices as it is possible.

The working language of both parts is English.

After filling in the registration form you will receive more information about the meeting including the link to the online meeting platform. When it comes to the technical equipment there is only computer with loudspeakers/headphones needed.

Having applications exceeding our technical capacity we are going to decide on the participation based on the diversity of participants and on the quality of their applications.
In order to register please use this link:

Having any questions or remarks, please do not hesitate to contact Anna Fedas from Batory Foundation: [email protected]

Matchmaking meeting’s agenda

Part 1 (recorded and available online after the meeting)
10-11.30 a.m. CET
1. Welcoming remarks (representatives of the Active Citizens Fund – National Program Operator consortium)
2. Presentation on the civic sector in Iceland – a representative of the Icelandic Human Right Centre (10 minutes)
3. Presentation on the civic sector in Liechtenstein – a representative of the CSO from Liechtenstein (10 minutes)
4. Presentation on the civic sector in Norway – a representative of the Norwegian Helsinki Committee (10 minutes)
5. Presentation on the civic sector in Poland – Lidia Kuczmierowska from the Academy of Civil Organizations Foundation (10 minutes)
6. Presentation on the “Sectoral projects call for applications” – Andrzej Pietrucha from the Academy of Civil Organizations Foundation (10 minutes)
short break
Part 2 (not recorder) in 2 working groups:
11.45 a.m.-1 p.m. CET
1. Discussion on the common challenges of the civic sector in each country and brainstorm on potential solutions.
Identifying potential barriers and supporters to one chosen activity responding to the challenges/solutions discussed before.
2. Golden practices and failures (for those who want to share it with other participants).
3. Presentation of the projects’ ideas (for those who want to share it with other participants).
Concluding remarks & goodbye (in one common session)

* depends on the topic(s) chosen by participants in the registration form

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