On 10 and 11 May, Project Promoters from all thematic areas met in Pruszków for a workshop on the ethical side of functioning of the organization.
The two-day workshop in Pruszków, during which Project Promoters had the opportunity to exchange experiences on the ethical side of the organisation’s operation, was led by Katarzyna Sadło. Participants had the opportunity to deepen their knowledge of how to act openly, transparently and responsibly and how to translate declared values into concrete actions.
The workshop was attended by representatives of: Through the Eyes of Women Asocciation, The Woman for PLUS Association, Foundation of Education and Development FLOW, ‘We are for you’ Foundation, Foundation Institute Open Space, Better Jozefoslaw Association, ASSOCIATION FOR THE DISABLED “WITHOUT BARRIERS”, ‘Ktoś’ Foundation, Olsztyn Deaf Association, The Association of Helping Families “Tygiel”, Caritas of the Zielona Góra-Gorzów Diocese, Innovation Zone Foundation, Democracy Action Foundation, We do Care Foundation, Vis Maior Foundation, Educational Enterprise Foundation and The Committee for the Defence of Democracy.