
Predefined projects

During implementation of the programme, the “Shipyard” Centre for Social Innovation and Research and the Academy of Civic Organizations Foundation  have conducted additional activities, in predefined projects, to expand the impact of the programme and enhance the effects the programme has in two areas of support which take priority: development of active citizenship and development of social organisations and the civic sector.

The “Shipyard” Centre for Social Innovation and Research will perform a series of measures to popularise civic participation, aimed at persons who organise and conduct or wish to organise and conduct social consultations. Under the project, regional and national Participation Practice Forums is held, as well as training, workshops, and networking meetings.

The Academy of Civic Organizations Foundation will conduct awareness-raising activities and activities that support organisations wishing to expand or streamline their operations. The Foundation will offer for instance opportunities to improve skills of an organisation’s managers, employees, and voluntary workers in organisation management, communication, fund-raising, and transparency. Training material are available on the Kursodrom platform, and an online tool is also available for self-evaluation of the level of capacity building and the organisation’s needs.

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