Your voice matters – Young people defend human rights!
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
18-01-2021 - 17-01-2023
Project cost:
110 245,00 EUR
86 175,00 EUR
Types of activities:
social actions and campaigns, educational activities, training of professional groups
Target groups:
activists / community leaders, youth, teachers

The project responds to the problem of shrinking space for human rights education and social movements working for human rights in Poland. Since 2015, the possibility to raise these topics in schools has been systematically limited by the activities of ultra-right organisations and the ruling majority, conducting aggressive hate campaigns against minorities, making changes to educational law or announcing the implementation the verification of organisations operating in schools. All of this has a chilling effect, with some teachers abandoning the subject for fear of a reaction from headmasters and parents. Those from small towns are in a particularly difficult situation, as they often operate in a sense of loneliness.

The project carried out a series of competency-building activities in the field of human rights education, activism and advocacy. 21 teachers took part in a series of 5 trainings and subsequently delivered a total of 88 workshops to 1,437 young people. A publication on challenges to human rights in Poland and tools for youth work was produced. School youth (5 teams from different localities) took part in workshops and a mentoring programme and planned their own campaigns using the design thinking method. A competition for schools for a freedom of expression action was also organised. 9 activist people participated in training courses on monitoring human rights and conducting advocacy activities, and some of them implemented their own initiatives. An additional activity was a mailing course on the basics of advocacy for 40 people. The project was concluded with a Youth Human Rights Congress. The Norwegian section of Amnesty International was a partner in the project and supported the Project Promoter in developing monitoring and evaluation tools for the activities and provided training. A study visit to Norwegian human rights organisations was also organised.

Teachers were equipped with knowledge, strategies and tools in the field of human rights education and mobilising youth for activism. The project was also a space for the exchange of good practices and mutual support in situations of declining motivation, anxiety and professional burnout. Youth and activists improved their knowledge of human rights and their skills to respond to human rights violations, as well as their skills to cooperate in dealing with human rights violations in the local environment.

We use the grant for capacity building

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 9 632,00, under the Stronger Voice call, for the dissemination of the products and results achieved in the implemented project.

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