Foundation Institute of Public Affairs
organisational grant
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2022 - 30-04-2024
in progess
Project cost:
89 000,00 EUR
89 000,00 EUR

The Institute of Public Affairs (IPA) is an independent research and analysis centre. It has played a significant role in public debate and in the civic sector for 25 years. The Institute’s activities relate to areas such as democracy, good governance, civil society; European integration; social, migration and integration policy; climate policy and sustainable development; gender equality. The Institute’s most important activities in recent years include research and public debate on threats to Poland’s continued membership of the EU and ways to counter anti-European narratives, publications and international debates on the state of democracy and the rule of law in the EU as part of the European Policy Institutes Network. For the past 15 years, the IPA has been preparing annual reports for USAID on the “Index of Stability of the Civic Organisations Sector in Poland” and conducting advocacy activities based on this material. The Institute’s recommendations have contributed to USAID’s launch in 2022 of a new programme to support civil society in Central and Eastern Europe. As part of the organisational grant, the IPA plans to establish a Centre for Constitutionalism and Legal Culture (CCLC). Its activities will serve to prepare civil society to work on the reconstruction of the rule of law in Poland and to raise the legal awareness of citizens, especially as regards knowledge of the Constitution and the ability to apply its provisions in everyday life. CCLC will monitor the state of the rule of law, analyse proposals for changes to the law and propose corrective measures in areas where legal and constitutional standards have degraded after 2015. The work of the CCLC will be based on research, analysis of the law, educational activities, publications, exchange of knowledge on the rule of law. CCLC will create a draft law on one of the areas relevant to the state of democracy and will engage other organisations and citizens to support it.

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 8,000.00 to enhance the products and results achieved under this grant.

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