Active Citizens – launch of another call for projects for grants for social organisations
01 December 2020

Almost EUR 10.5 m is available for social organisations in the second call for thematic projects in the Active Citizens Fund – National Programme. Those eligible to apply for grants include associations, foundations, social cooperatives, and rural housewife circles. Funds will be available for activities in three areas: (1) civic participation in public life and social activities, (2) defending human rights and promoting equality, and (3) empowerment of vulnerable groups. Project outlines must be submitted by 11 January.

Any social organisations that are active or would like to be active in these areas are welcome to apply. We welcome in particular less experienced organisations based outside large conurbations and in areas where access to aid is limited. This programme is for you too! You can try the application track for small grants (up to EUR 25 000) or large grants (up to EUR 62 500). The Programme Team will prepare online training, guides, and manuals for all potential applicants, and telephone consultations are also possible – says Sylwia Sobiepan, programme director.

Organisations that wish to invite experienced Donor State (Norway, Iceland, Liechtenstein) organisations to take part in the project can obtain an additional grant for cooperation of this kind. We can also assist those organisations in finding foreign partners.

Every organisation that applies for funding for projects can apply for additional funds for capacity building: investing in team-building, improving skills, raising funds for its activities, and improving management or communication.

What kind of activities will be given priority? – In this call, we would like to see in particular projects that provide support for women and LGBT+ who are exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence. Activities that help vulnerable persons to learn to act as self-advocates and projects that help people of opposing views on major social issues to enter into discourse will also be given priority – Sylwia Sobiepan adds.

Anyone interested in the Programme can attend an online briefing, which will be held on 4 December at 14.00. The details of the webinar (registration is required), and information about the call for projects can be found here www.aktywniobywatele.org.pl.

The Active Citizens Fund – National Programme is financed by the EEA Financial Mechanism. This is non-returnable aid provided by Iceland, Liechtenstein, and Norway for new EU members. In Poland, the Programme is run by a consortium of three organisations, which are the Stefan Batory Foundation (consortium leader), the Shipyard Foundation, and the Academy of Civic Organizations Foundation (FAOO). The Programme subscribes to the universal values specified in the TEU: respect for human dignity, freedom, democracy, equality, the rule of law, and respect for human rights, including rights of persons belonging to minorities (such as ethnic, and religious minorities, speakers of minority languages, and sexual minorities).



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