Anti-Corruption Monitoring of the State
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
15-10-2021 - 15-10-2023
Project cost:
29 799,88 EUR
29 748,41 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, information activities, watchdog activities
Target groups:
professionals, legal practitioners, society, officials and employees of public institutions

In recent years we have been observing an alarming increase in the number of corruption crimes in Poland. Both the Police and CBA (Central Anti-Corruption Bureau) inform about the growing scale of the problem. In 2008, there were ca. 8 800 cases compared to 32 000 in 2018/2019. Every year new legal regulations are launched without being subject to corruption risk assessment at the legislative stage.
We will design a public tool supporting civic initiatives aiming at the elimination of corruption-generating regulations. We will analyse solutions functioning in other countries and based on that we will prepare a preliminary version of the Polish methodology for the anti-corruption analysis of legal acts. We will conduct a pilot in the form of 10 expert opinions prepared based on the developed methodology that will be sent to proper bodies responsible for the above regulations, to gather their remarks.
Furthermore, we will invite 200 individuals to 10 webinars devoted to practical aspects of the ultimate version of the corruption risk assessment methodology for legal acts, which will be available not only to Polish addressees but also to over 350 entities belonging to the United Nation Convention Against Corruption Coalition.

We use the grant for capacity building

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