Creative School on the Street
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-01-2022 - 31-12-2023
Project cost:
78 262,56 EUR
74 077,56 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, counselling
Target groups:
children, young adults, youth

In Bielsko-Biała, people aged 15-19 represent approximately 7.3% of the city’s residents (2020 demographic yearbook). The support available to this age group is insufficient, and young people spend their free time on the street, engaging in risky behaviours. We diagnosed the three most important areas concerning the specific nature of late adolescence issues: mental health issues, addiction (social media, Internet, computer games, but also stimulants and narcotics), trouble with the law, and teenage pregnancy (38 births in this age group in 2019).
Measures to help vulnerable young people (15-19) in Bielsko-Biała will be improved.
We will expand the streetworking measures in meeting places of young people (regular meetings, creating an alternative for spending free time, providing information about support opportunities). We will employ an addiction therapist (providing information about the dangers and consequences, building relationships and a positive adult role model). We will operate a school for parents with young mothers in mind, but will include parents of all participants. We will provide psychological counselling, and teaching and legal advice. We will organize training for our personnel on motivational dialog, crisis support, networking, and suicidal behaviour among children and young people.
The measures will help to improve the situation of young people in Bielsko-Biała, leisure facilities will be provided for young people in the older age range, and young mothers will also be helped. Fourteen personnel members will enhance their abilities.
Young people (twenty people aged 15-19), six young mothers, and the parents of these young people will participate. Personnel working with young people will be given separate training.

We use the grant for capacity building

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