Democracy is about Participation – School of Representation and Social Participation.
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 30-06-2023
Project cost:
74 977,07 EUR
74 640,23 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, advocacy activities, networking
Target groups:
activists / community leaders

Work at NGOs is often mentally burdening and it is no nine-to-five job. Such work conditions often lead to burnout among social activists, hindering long-term and effective action (the 2020 Klon/Jawor study). Such a situation translates into low effectiveness of advocacy processes or no stability of operations. Effectiveness of the social sector initiatives, which we all benefit from, depends on competencies and effectiveness of people working in it, which is why we see an enormous need for providing them with support.
We will address these problems by organising a comprehensive, 12-month programme supporting NGO representatives all over Poland. We will train participants in advocacy, legal regulations governing the third sector, building cooperation and social dialogue or the utilisation of EU funds. We will also conduct an online course with hands-on tasks and sessions. Its participants will do home assignments related to topics discussed during the training, they will take part in discussions devoted to their work, insight and doubts. At the end, each person will organise an initiative in their neighbourhood – a meeting for local NGOs, an advocacy campaign or a project for the local community. During the final convention, participants will share their impressions from completed projects and will evaluate the training with us, which will serve as the base for planning the next edition of the programme supporting individuals working in the third sector.

We use the grant for capacity building

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