Is everything alright with young people?
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 31-05-2023
Project cost:
68 066,12 EUR
68 066,12 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, counteracting violence
Target groups:
LGBT+, youth, teachers, officials and employees of public institutions

This project addresses the problem of violence and discrimination of young people, including LGBTIQ people, in the county of Głogowski. During the pandemic, the number of abused children and young people increased significantly – the number of harmed children was as high as 27%, 11% by those closest to them. The number of Blue Cards created in the Dolnośląsk voivodship in 2020 increased by 50% on the previous year. In Głogów alone, the number of children placed in foster care due to domestic violence increased from 55 in 2019 to 77 in 2020. At the same time, teachers are unwilling to raise this issue in lessons, often for fear of consequences such as hate and a smear campaign on the part of local right-wing politicians.
The Project Promoter will create an awareness platform with information (podcasts, films, lesson plans) on combating violence and discrimination, produced by teachers and young people. The materials will be distributed by means including four webinars. Teachers (40 people) will attend two training sessions on combating violence and discrimination, and if necessary, participate in a support group. A support group will be formed for young people, who will also be given one-on-one psychological counseling. Young people will prepare a campaign for their peers on the forms of help available. Representatives of various educational and aid institutions will together draw up recommendations for the Municipal Violence Prevention Program.
The measures are primarily intended for two groups: teachers, and young people in the county of Głogowski. Teachers will improve their competencies with respect to recognizing and reacting to cases of discrimination, violence, and exclusion, and raising the issue of discrimination in lessons. Young people who experience violence and discrimination will be given support.

We use the grant for capacity building

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