Language teachers effective online
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 30-09-2023
in progress
Project cost:
74 825,00 EUR
74 825,00 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities
Target groups:
persons with disabilities

0478According to a Training Employability Accessibility Framework report, despite their competencies, people with vision impairment find it particularly difficult to find work. Among those affected are English teachers. They rarely take up employment in state schools, but they can work with adults and have their own business. We know from interviews conducted by Favicon Media that people with vision impairment see working online as an opportunity, but this is hindered due to teaching materials suitable for their perception ability not being available. Widely available PDF format and interactive materials offered by publishers for working remotely are not fully readable with srcreen readers used by people with vision impairment.
Support will be provided for English teachers with vision impairment to develop their professional competencies and give them work tools aligned with the current online teaching trends.
Working with representatives of the vision impaired community, we will create an electronic database of teaching materials suitable for the perception ability of teachers and pupils with vision impairment: Three mini-courses and thirty grammar and vocabulary lessons. We will conduct a series of training sessions on IT (platforms and work tools for language teachers), method (teaching method and technique, group activation) and development (motivation, dynamics, group management, self-confidence, assertiveness). The trained persons will conduct online English courses for forty people in vulnerable groups. We will provide them with psychological support, networking meetings, and workshops on legal and financial aspects of employment and running a business
The project will benefit twelve English teachers with vision impairment from all over Poland.
Ready tools will be produced for blind people and people with vision impairment for teaching English online. The participants will improve their competencies and know-how regarding giving classes remotely.

We use the grant for capacity building

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 10 000,00, under the Stronger Voice call, for the dissemination of the products and results achieved in the implemented project.

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