Legal aid office Parasol. Helping, supporting, educating.
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
15-11-2021 - 01-10-2023
Project cost:
26 819,57 EUR
26 819,57 EUR
Types of activities:
self-organization / self-help, legal support, psychological support
Target groups:

In 2020, consumer bankruptcy was declared for 13 084 people, which is 64.5% more than in 2019. (Central Business Information Center). In the Pilski subregion, we have also seen more interest in bankruptcy. The cost of bankruptcy through a law firm is an obstacle that prevents debt problems being resolved and a return to normal life. People in debt often also need psychological support. The low level of effectiveness of free legal aid is confirmed in a Supreme Audit Office (NIK) report of 2018. The report also finds legal awareness measures based on law to be of little effect. Proper awareness-raising is important especially for the groups that we wish to work with. It will give them “more confidence in adopting a civic approach hindering [..] in particular public authorities that breach rule of law principles” (A. Bodnar).
The project aims to provide comprehensive legal and civic aid combined with psychological support and legal awareness, plus elements of economics.
We will provide legal aid and citizens’ advice at the Stowarzyszenie office (300 h) and legal/civic and economics awareness for organizations for the elderly, young people, and vulnerable people at the Monar- Markot Center in Piła (75 lectures). We will provide fifty people at the Center with one-on-one psychological counselling and psychoeducational workshops, and set up a self-help support group (meetings with a psychologist and when necessary a lawyer).
There will be greater access to free and comprehensive legal advice, better knowledge of defence of civil rights and of issues affecting civil legal and financial safety, and increased self-esteem, and people given psychological support will have better community competencies.
The measures will cover 250 vulnerable people in the Pilski subregion.

We use the grant for capacity building

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