Local Antiviolence Support System
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-12-2021 - 31-12-2022
Project cost:
21 550,00 EUR
21 550,00 EUR
Types of activities:
information activities, intervention actions and assistance for women exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence, counteracting violence
Target groups:
women, persons experiencing violence, local community

The project addresses the problem of violence against women, especially psychological and economic violence, in the municipality of Jeleśnia. The municipality has a population of 13,000 people, and in recent times the number of Blue Cards issued every year ranged from 50 to 70 (PCPR in Żywiec). However, these data do not show the whole phenomenon – gender-based violence remains a taboo subject, especially in small towns and villages. Additionally, alcohol abuse by perpetrators is a contributing factor to violence, which is an almost universal problem in the municipality. Since 2019 Project Promoter runs the only free psychological counselling point in the area. However, from its observations, the demand for help has increased significantly in recent months. Meanwhile, there is a lack of other support for victims of violence in this area – the nearest free psychological counselling point is only available in Zywiec, 20 km away.

As part of the project,the Project Promoter developed the activities of its psychological help point and extended the scope of support by providing free mediation to clients. The activities of the help point were accompanied by a local information campaign on the help offered and raising public awareness of the phenomenon of violence. Part of the campaign included a series of live talks and several educational radio podcasts on various aspects of the problem of violence.

The activities were aimed at people experiencing violence living in the Jeleśnia municipality – mainly women and young people. 238 people received free psychological support and 46 people benefited from mediation. They received real help, strengthened self-confidence, self-esteem, regained a sense of agency and influence, and developed the competence to recognise and respond to various manifestations of violence. The awareness of local residents about the problem of violence – the prevalence of the phenomenon and the forms it takes -has also increased. The Project Promoter has established partnerships with local public institutions: the municipality office, cultural centre and schools – which have joined in the outreach activities and supported the Project Promoter by making their infrastructure available for the needs of the project.

We use the grant for capacity building

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