Locally for Diversity – Living Library Network as a model for sector development
civic sector development
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Credit Agricole Bank Poland, Wrocław, Poland
01-04-2021 - 30-04-2023
Project cost:
128 323,18 EUR
123 218,40 EUR
Types of activities:
Target groups:

Today in Poland there are approximately 40 active entities organising the so-called Live Libraries (capacity to meet people from groups seen stereotypically or discriminated in order to talk about their life and ask any questions). It is very efficient tools for reducing prejudice. Unfortunately, the current social and political status makes that organising Live Library is becoming more and more difficult. People organising Live Libraires are faced, among others, with unfriendly attitude of local governments, current support is insufficient for organisers from small towns who are in need of the support of a person familiar with their region. As a reaction, we have come up with an idea of creating regional Live Libraries which would promote the method and conducting trainings and activities in small towns.
The aim of the project will be to enhance organisations from small towns in their anti-discriminatory activities. As a result, we will get a de-centralised Live Polish Libraries Network and have regional centres established which will uninterruptedly support local organisations. The project assumes cascade activities – from enhancing the Live Polish Libraries Network, thorough training and accreditting regional coordinators, establishing regional centres of the Network in at least 7 regions, training new entities and implementation of Live Libraries directly in local communities. We will work out a long-lasting mechanism for support and a formal coalition of the organisations working with the use of Live Library method. In the long run, the project will contribute to changing the perception of minorities as soon as you take part in the Live Library.
The partner of the project is Credit Agricole Bank Polska. We intend to move the partnership onto the Poland-wide level. This will let us diversify financing of these NGOs and will free them from the need to search for subsidies in their communes which frequently are not in favour of such projects on human rights.

We use the grant for capacity building

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