Naturally Engaged
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Laboratory for Change Foudation, Niemodlin, Poland
01-11-2021 - 29-12-2023
Project cost:
74 988,95 EUR
74 988,95 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, environmental protection activities, advocacy activities
Target groups:
children, educators, youth, local community

The Bory Niemodlińskie microregion is located within a Nature Park. Unfortunately, according to the analysis featured in the ‘Local Strategy of Bory Niemodlińskie Development until 2023′ report complied for the Partnerstwo Borów Niemodlińskich local activist group, inhabitants are not familiar natural resources of Bory, with its richness and uniqueness, they do not identify with it, do not advocate for it, as a consequence of which the region is getting more deteriorated and inaccessible. The lack of interest in local nature affects inhabitants either, especially youngest ones, leading to the so-called nature deficit disorder (Richard Louv, Last Child in the Woods, 2003).
We will address this problem by focusing in building a bond between young inhabitants of the region and the surrounding nature. We will organise a 12-month cycle of all-day classes in the woods. Youths will prepare and run local activities aiming at protecting the environment. We will engage over 80 pupils and teachers from 5 schools from the Opolskie and Nyski districts and from the Opole city. We assume that communing with nature together and activities for it will have positive impact on children’s and youths’ wellbeing. We will explore and publish the effects of the project and will present the process and the change in a documentary. The project will also help create a forest base – a place for promoting a bond between people and nature.
We will be supported in the project by the Laboratorium Zmiany Foundation which has vast experience in projects aiming at the activation of local youth communities. Its team will design and run a training for school group guardians.

We use the grant for capacity building

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