Regional Aid Zone
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-02-2022 - 30-11-2023
Project cost:
75 005,26 EUR
75 000,00 EUR
Types of activities:
respite care / supported housing, counselling, self-organization / self-help
Target groups:
caregivers of dependent persons, elderly

In 2019, 2013 people received care from the Social Welfare Centre in Olsztyn and neighbouring municipalities, 60% of whom were aged over 80. The number of families assisted in caring for dependants was 1416 in 2017 and 1584 in 2019. This number is increasing, and the Welfare Centre in Olsztyn and families themselves stress that there is insufficient access to various forms of support. Families in which the need to care for a dependant arises suddenly, such as in the case of a stroke, are in a very difficult situation. Due to families being ill-prepared to provide care, dependants are often placed in full-time care.
This project addresses the problems of families of dependent people and the problem of lack of facilities where they can receive comprehensive support and therefore provide proper care at home.
We will open a school for carers of elderly people: training (nurse, physiotherapist, geriatrician) and conduct workshops on social competences, rights of dependent people, and advocacy activities. We will provide one-on-one and group psychological counselling, legal advice, advice on care (including in elderly person’s homes) and respite care. We will produce individual support plans for twenty families and start self-help groups, and form a network of contacts and database with information about the forms of help available. We will produce two handbooks and ten instructional videos on rights of dependent people, the forms of help available, and principles of providing care. We will organise an Elderly Ombudsman assistance service (advice, help in emergencies, representation) and an educational conference for care organisations. We will publish two issues of the quarterly Generacja.
This will create a coordinated support system for families of dependent people, enabling them to feel safe and have a better life. 100 people will receive support.
Dependent elderly people and their families from Olsztyn and neighbouring municipalities will participate in the activities.

We use the grant for capacity building

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