Specialist Abused Women Aid Center
human rights
City (headquarters):
Gródek nad Dunajcem
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-11-2021 - 31-12-2022
Project cost:
80 899,26 EUR
72 779,26 EUR
Types of activities:
intervention actions and assistance for women exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence, legal support, psychological support
Target groups:
women, persons experiencing violence, local community

This project addresses the problem of gender-based violence in Sądecczyzna. Each year in Poland, approximately 90 000 people experience various forms of domestic violence, and more than 70% are women. However, the statistics do not show the true scale of the problem. The subject of domestic violence continues to be taboo, and is subject to many myths and stereotypes, and thus people who experience violence do not report it to the relevant institutions for a long time and do not seek help. Witnesses do not react. There are shortcomings in the local violence prevention system, for example social welfare centres create considerably fewer Blue Cards than the scale of the problem would suggest, and the legal aid available does not include domestic violence cases. To date, there is no specialist centre dealing with prevention of violence in the county.
A Specialist Abused Women Aid Center will be created to provide comprehensive support – psychological, legal, and therapeutic. The Project Promoter will conduct an awareness campaign for women who might use the Center, and three public campaigns will be held on gender stereotypes and prevention of violence towards women; one element of the campaign will be a spot asking people to react to violence. The Project Promoter will also organize two self-defence courses for women. The know-how developed in running the Center will be described in a report and presented at a conference attended by local authorities and institutions working to prevent violence.
Approximately 140 abused women from Sądecczyzna will benefit – women using the Center will be given comprehensive crisis support. Necessary forms of support will be provided in addition to the local violence prevention system. The subject of domestic violence will be raised in public debate, and public awareness of the problem and competencies to react to violence will improve.

We use the grant for capacity building

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