Strengthening the role of self-advocacy in the autism spectrum environment
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-02-2021 - 31-01-2023
Project cost:
59 183,53 EUR
59 183,53 EUR
Types of activities:
self-advocacy, self-organization / self-help
Target groups:
youth, caregivers of dependent persons, persons with disabilities

The systems currently available to support independence and professional activity for people on the autism spectrum are ineffective and difficult to access. Adults, after leaving education, are not guaranteed continuity of support and full access to therapy to prepare them for work and independent living (NIK 2020 report), which can lead to social exclusion. For example, only 19% of Vocational Activity Centres and 22% of Occupational Therapy Workshops support people on the spectrum. There is also a lack of activities that prepare young people on the autism spectrum for social work and self-advocacy.

As part of the project, various activities were carried out to empower young people on the autism spectrum in self-advocacy, as well as activities aimed at their relatives. 3 thematic AS clubs for young people focused on various interests (photography and fine arts, new technologies and IT, motoring) were launched. The clubs were run by self-advocates; a total of 20 meetings were held. As part of the AS club, young people created several animations. Twenty-four training sessions were held for parents grouped in 4 newly formed Parents’ Committees. They also received support in self-organisation. In turn, grandmothers and grandfathers of children and young people on the autism spectrum were offered participation in 2 support groups and 13 trainings on the autism spectrum. The Project Promoter also developed an online conference on the role and value of self-advocacy.

The project involved young people on the autism spectrum, as well as parents and grandparents of people on the spectrum. Each of these groups developed their knowledge of the autism spectrum and the competences needed to carry out self-advocacy activities. Leaders of Parents’ Committees became involved in advocacy and in local initiatives to support other parents.

We use the grant for capacity building

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