Strong despite everything
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-01-2022 - 31-03-2024
Project cost:
84 693,21 EUR
74 924,29 EUR
Types of activities:
counselling, self-advocacy, legal support
Target groups:

Refugees are a very diverse group due to their country of origin, gender, health, sexual orientation, age, education, or trauma they have experienced. They are little heard: if local integration schemes are adopted, refugees’ role in creating and implementing them is marginal. People in particularly sensitive groups (children, single parents, multichildren families, LGBT+ people, people who have experienced trauma, violence, etc.) need social and integration counselling and a comprehensive action plan to be formed jointly with that person, and then long-term support in implementing it.
This project addresses the problem of the low profile of people who experienced forced immigration in particularly vulnerable groups and inadequate access to specialist help for this group.
We will provide legal and integration counselling for refugees, and help in finding a place to live and employment, and studying at school and elsewhere. We will select 15-23 interested refugees and give them self-advocacy training. Adults (8 persons) will form a Refugee Council (training, empowerment meetings, and subsequently quarterly meetings). We will invite young people (7-15 people aged 14 – 20) to the Academy for the Future (inspirational and motivational measures, working with a mentor to develop skills, working on three advocacy projects, an occupational or activist internship for eight people).
Due to the measures, approximately fifteen people will become active self-advocates, and a minimum of 120 people will receive full support.
Socially vulnerable refugees, victims of violence, people raising children single-handedly or in multichildren families, people who are chronically ill, people who experienced detention, and LGBT+ people will participate.
The Partner – Association for Legal Intervention – will provide a full range of support for sensitive groups and train adult self-advocates to act.

We use the grant for capacity building

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