The Art of Activity
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 31-12-2022
Project cost:
22 786,51 EUR
22 786,51 EUR
Types of activities:
activities to activate local communities (animation), educational activities
Target groups:
activists / community leaders, local community

Gmina Święciechowa (Greater Poland Voivodeship) is a rural municipality with a population of 9,116. It consists of 12 localities, and almost every one of them has some non-governmental organization functioning within it. Based on our local diagnosis, most of these organizations face difficulties in acquiring funds for their activities, resulting in a limited range of offerings for residents and limited opportunities for engaging in local problem-solving. Beyond the municipal area, social activities were sporadic, and local leaders had insufficient knowledge of how to acquire resources, engage the local community, and implement grassroots initiatives.

We addressed these needs by recruiting and supporting 12 local leaders, representatives from each locality. In each locality, we conducted a workshop on local cooperation and social participation, as well as a research walk. During these meetings, residents created a social diagnosis of their community and identified its most significant problems, to which initiatives were developed in response. We involved residents, volunteers, non-governmental organizations, and institutions in these initiatives. Local leaders also participated in a training cycle on cooperation within the local community, creating social projects, mobilizing residents to take action, and participatory processes. During a study visit to Lower Silesia, where they visited cultural centers and social organizations, the leaders learned practical forms of rural cultural activities and citizen engagement in public affairs. Lastly, we organized an integrating event for all the leaders and residents of the Święciechowa municipality, inviting local leaders and representatives of social organizations as well. The format of the meeting was jointly devised by the project participants.

Evaluation surveys indicate that the workshops have increased the knowledge of participants in areas such as volunteering, creating social teams, and civic participation. The study visit served as inspiration for generating new initiatives.

We use the grant for capacity building

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