We have each other! Building a support network among senior citizens
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 21-10-2022
Project cost:
29 317,02 EUR
29 317,02 EUR
Types of activities:
counselling, voluntary work of people at risk of exclusion
Target groups:

The project addresses the problem of social exclusion and loneliness of people 60+ living in Lodz. Approximately 30% of the city’s residents are over 60 (CSO, 2016). In 2035, one in four people living in Łódź will be over 65. At the same time, according to research, as many as 3 out of 10 people do not have close relationships in any social circle such as family or neighbours. These people are also at risk of exclusion due to their state of health, low level of independence, material status, difficult living situation and pandemic-related isolation. For many people 60+, the transition to retirement age and the end of working life is difficult, as it is associated with feelings of being unnecessary and depressive states.

The project provided a series of animation workshops for more than 40 people 60+ in 3 city districts. Their topics included gymnastics for the mind and memory, handicrafts, cooking classes with healthy eating principles, sound therapy and gymnastics with yoga elements. 10 women took part in the Animator of the Elderly programme preparing them to run animation activities for people 65+ (especially 80+). They initiated the “We have each other!” animation volunteer programme and – with the support of an animator – then led activities for their peers aged 65-80+. The participants also benefited from psychological support in difficult situations (e.g. cases of depressed mood and depression, family conflicts, loneliness).

More than 50 people of retirement age benefited from the activities. Participation in the project had a positive impact on their mental wellbeing and quality of life, as it enabled them to make new contacts and spend their free time in an active way. Thanks to the course and the subsequent implementation of animation activities, the 10 trained animators regained a sense of empowerment and energy to act for the benefit of their community. An intra-generational community was successfully built.

We use the grant for capacity building

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