Legionowo Inhabitants Aged 60+ will Jointly and Virtually Co-create the Strategy for Seniors
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 30-09-2022
Project cost:
73 888,00 EUR
73 888,00 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, advocacy activities, action for change/establishing new legal solutions
Target groups:

Over 25% of citizens of Legionowo (Mazowieckie Voivodeship) is over 60 years old. We have observed that many of the elderly have been excluded from the civic life due to their low digital competences.
We have answered that challenge by designing a 2022-2026 strategy for seniors 60+ for the city of Legionowo. We are confident that only systemic solutions designed with all the stakeholders at the table can successfully and permanently include our seniors into the life of Legionowo. We have trained our seniors in digital competences. Together, we have analyzed Legionowo’s initiatives for the seniors, as well as analyzed and diagnosed the current needs of the group. We conducted a survey of 500 individuals over 60 on what functions well and what aspects of the city’s operations should be improved. We have also conducted three virtual diagnostic walks, during which we have learned about seniors’ opinions about urban spaces, as well as three virtual cafes where seniors had an opportunity to chat about their experiences and ideas. Based on these initiatives we have formulated conclusions and recommendations that served as a basis for the strategy. The draft of the strategy was consulted with the seniors and its final version was presented to Legionowo’s authorities, which adopted it in the form of a resolution.
Thanks to our project we managed to show seniors as a group full of social potential. Our surveys have shown that the seniors have increased their digital competences. Adoption of the resolution by the city is a major success.

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