Civic engagement of youth – study visit to Iceland
06 April 2023

We would like to invite representatives of civil society organisations engaged in citizen participation of youth to take part in a study visit to Iceland. 

On 21-26.05.2023, together with our sister programme Active Citizens – Regional Fund and the Icelandic Focal Point (led by Icelantic Human Right Centre), we are organising a study visit to Iceland on the topic of youth civic engagement. 

This study visit is for you if: 

  • you and the organisation you represent are committed to strengthening the voice of young people in the decision-making process of local government/city/national government 
  • you are involved in youth education in the field of democracy and participation  
  • you need to exchange know-how and experiences between Icelandic and Polish actors in the field of citizen youth participation  
  • you want to discuss potential areas for future partnership and cooperation between Icelandic and Polish actors in the field of youth involvement and empowerment  
  • you are a Project Promoter of the Active Citizens Fund- National Programme or a formal partner in a project supported by the Programme (regardless of the project start and end date).

The organisers of the visit (Active Citizens Fund – National and Active Citizens Fund – Regional programmes) provide all travel costs (flight Warsaw-Keflavik and transport/reimbursement to and from the Warsaw airport to the place of residence, as well as all costs of the stay (accommodation, food, local transport) and translation from and into English (so no knowledge of English is required), as well as travel insurance. 

To take part in the visit, you need to fill in the recruitment form at the link below no later than 16 April 2023. 

The number of participants is limited. One person per organisation is welcome to attend. 

If you have any questions or comments, please contact the coordinator for bilateral and regional cooperation: Anna Fedas ([email protected], tel. +48 22 536 02 41).

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