Activation, Synergy, Effectiveness – Wrocław Inhabitants are Changing the Climate
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 31-10-2022
Project cost:
55 734,19 EUR
55 734,19 EUR
Types of activities:
social actions and campaigns, environmental protection activities, advocacy activities
Target groups:
activists / community leaders, local community

According to our research, the main problems of climate activism in Wrocław are primarily the lack of cooperation among activist groups and the absence of systemic pro-climate solutions. Additionally, the activists we spoke with pointed out the need for developing their skills in media communication, engaging with polarized groups, and strategic planning of social campaigns.

In response to these issues, we established a support office for activists to assist climate activists in Wrocław. We provided advisory support to the Wrocławska Ochrona Klimatu (Wrocław Climate Protection) coalition in organizing grassroots initiatives. We developed a series of publications on climate activism and a guidebook on local initiatives. We also conducted a series of training sessions to enhance the skills of Wrocław activists. The training topics included effective campaign building and ways of informing individuals with different perspectives about the climate crisis. We carried out a social campaign for nature conservation, prepared by the beneficiaries of our training. We also organized eight nature walks in the areas where we advocated for protection. At the end of the project, we created a report and a video summarizing our activities and collecting best practices in working with the local community and networking individuals engaged in activism.

Based on the evaluation surveys, we know that the members of the coalition have strengthened their sense of agency through the project activities. Furthermore, through the promotion of the project among other urban and climate movements, we learned that we served as an inspiration and motivation for them to take action in nature conservation efforts.

We use the grant for capacity building

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