Association for Legal Intervention
organisational grant
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-05-2022 - 30-04-2024
Project cost:
100 000,00 EUR
100 000,00 EUR

Since 2005, the Association for Legal Intervention has been providing legal and integration support to refugees and migrants in Poland and working towards systemic change by conducting strategic litigation and advocacy activities. Since 2015 ALI, with 8 other organisations, co-founded the Consortium of social organisations working on behalf of migrants. In the context of the Polish-Belarusian border crisis and the war in Ukraine, ALI provides training, mentoring and individual consultations for lawyers, officials, NGO staff and activists on refugee and migration law. The organisation’s portal (ukraina.interwencjaprawna.pl) provides quick legal advice or training for those helping people fleeing Ukraine, and is also a proven knowledge base. ALI provides legal assistance in guarded centres for foreigners – especially to third-country nationals or unaccompanied children. ALI has had a permanent presence on the Polish-Belarusian border since August 2021. ALI has been conducting strategic litigation and its most important achievements are: obtaining an interim order and filing a complaint with the ECHR in relation to the imprisonment of a group of Afghans in Usnarz Górny; obtaining the first Polish court ruling indicating that the detentions and subsequent deportations of foreigners to Belarus are illegal, irregular and unjustified, and that the regulation on this subject was issued in excess of the statutory delegation; winning in administrative courts the right of refugees and persons under subsidiary protection to 500+ benefits, and the right of persons in refugee proceedings to 300+ benefits. Thanks to the institutional grant, ALI will expand its Imig platform (for online legal support) with a Ukrainian language version, update the content on it, also create a new organisational management structure and continue strategic legal activities, including strategic litigation.

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 8,000.00 to enhance the products and results achieved under this grant.

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