Election auditor of the local media network
media for democracy
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-11-2022 - 30-04-2024
in progess
Project cost:
150 000,00 EUR
150 000,00 EUR

Our observations show that election campaigns on the local level usually take place in the shadow of national ones. Small, independent editorial teams find it more difficult to organise independent election debates or fully cover the campaign life due to financial concerns, among others. As a country, we are at a very important moment now – a series of elections is ahead of us, including local ones, which is why with this project we intend to strengthen independent local media and potential election auditors. So far, similar projects have been targeted at young people, but local editorial teams also include older and experienced individuals, which is why we would like to fill the existing gap. Within the Auditor Academy, we will organise a cycle of training sessions for twenty local media editorial teams. Their task will be to build cooperation between their members so that they can together develop and implement a comprehensive election process control mechanism on the local level. Academy training will also cover journalist tools facilitating more complete coverage of election campaigns. Sixteen out of twenty editorial teams trained will be selected to implement the Election Auditor method, namely a joint initiative aiming at controlling the election process. With support provided by mentors, each team will prepare a cycle of twelve materials in various formats and journalistic genres covering the entire election process. Furthermore, each of them will organise a meeting with its readers to involve the local community in the debate devoted to local authorities and the role of independent media. During the project, we will run two open informational conferences that will summarise the outcomes of the Auditor Academy and the results of the entire project.

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 8,000.00 to enhance the products and results achieved under this grant.

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