Faith is not exclusion
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
10-01-2022 - 01-09-2023
in progess
Project cost:
29 910,00 EUR
29 910,00 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, advocacy activities
Target groups:
society, LGBT+

This project addresses the problem of prejudice against LGBT+ people among Christians in Poland. While a vast majority of people in Poland declare themselves to be catholic, homophobia is greatest in this group. The percentage of this group opposed to legalising same-sex relationships is as high as 87%. In 2020, the Polish Episcopal Conference issued a statement calling for the opening of sexual orientation conversion therapy clinics. Statements by authority figures of this kind increase social prejudice and further sanction violence towards non-heteronormative people – Poland is now the most homophobic country in the EU.
In the project, the Project Promoter will publish a book containing twelve interviews with religious LGBT+ people, their parents, and theologists, and describing the need for acceptance of sexual minorities. 750 copies will be released, and the book will be available online. Promotion of the book will include eight discussion panels directed towards the Christian community. Participants will discuss how Christian communities can be open towards LGBT+ people. The project promoter will also hold two webinars for religious LGBT+ people on what religious violence is and how to protect oneself against it.
The project is intended for Christians in Poland and religious LGBT+ people. The book and the related discussions will increase knowledge about LGBT+ people and acceptance of them in the Christian community in Poland. There will also be greater awareness of LGBT+ people who belong to the church on what religious violence is, where to seek support and help if it is experienced, and how to set boundaries in a confrontation with a religious authority figure. The project will make LGBT+ more visible in the Christian community, and improve their level of comfort as members of the church.

We use the grant for capacity building

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