I am a SoloMum
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-01-2022 - 31-10-2023
Project cost:
61 167,10 EUR
60 804,42 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, counselling, psychological support
Target groups:
women, caregivers of dependent persons

Our experience shows that young and juvenile mothers are a vulnerable group dealing with problems such as lack of acceptance from family and environment, low level of emotional preparation for the role of parent and nursing and parenting skills, interrupted education, difficulties in entering or re-entering the labour market. State institutions provide support for mothers and children, but there is no support designed specifically for young mothers. Financial aid in the form of welfare benefit is temporary and does not improve their situation in the long-term.
This project addresses the problem of negligible (primarily material) support for young mothers and their social stigmatisation.
After carrying out individual diagnoses of the participants’ needs, each will be given adequate support (coach, midwife, sexologist, education specialist, lawyer, dietician) and group therapy (workshops with a midwife, running a household, career counselling, cooking, being with a child, parenting lessons). We will start a support group. We will conduct the programme twice; in the first we will select solomum leaders to become involved in activities to help participants; in the second, as change coaches, they will support activities of specialists. We will conduct a public campaign co-produced by project participants to raise public awareness of single mums’ needs and problems.
25 young, single mums from vulnerable communities in the county of Olsztyn will participate.
The participants will gain skills and knowledge to single-handedly provide proper care for a child and identify with the role of a mother. They will learn to act independently in terms of career.
The Partner – Foundation for children and youth “Kółko Graniaste” – will deal with enrolment and provide specialists, and provide childcare during the mothers’ classes.

We use the grant for capacity building

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