civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
04-10-2021 - 03-04-2023
Project cost:
29 544,00 EUR
29 544,00 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, actions to reduce social polarization, dialogue despite differences
Target groups:
local community

From our conversations with the leaders of rural women’s circles in the Łowicz municipality (Łódzkie voivodeship), it emerged that local communities were grappling with a certain reluctance to discuss important topics (with the pandemic exacerbating this issue), leading to a reduced participation in local life. Our experiences indicated that local leaders had many ideas and initiatives but didn’t always have sufficient resources and competencies to bring them to fruition. Additionally, from our conversations with young people, it was evident that they were interested in various forms of collective action for the common good but didn’t see opportunities to showcase their creativity.

In response to these challenges, we conducted workshops and dialogue sessions on the topic of communicating despite differences for members of rural women’s circles and other interested individuals from the rural Łowicz municipality. These were practical training sessions dedicated to conversations despite differences and local activity planning. During the dialogue sessions, we discussed local issues and collectively brainstormed ideas for their resolution. Together with teachers and students from three primary schools, we devised and organized a competition for young people in 7th and 8th grades centered around the theme of “conversations despite differences.” We created a website, www.uwazniwrozmowie.pl, where we posted educational materials on communicating despite differences and communication, including lesson plans and instructional videos.

From the evaluation surveys, we know that the participants strengthened their communication skills as well as their ability to lead and moderate dialogues despite differences. We also know that there is now an increased willingness to engage in these types of activities.

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