Polish Judges’ Association Iustitia
organisational grant
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-05-2022 - 30-04-2024
in progess
Project cost:
100 000,00 EUR
100 000,00 EUR

Iustitia is an association of judges whose goals are to represent judges, educate about human rights and civil liberties and develop a law-abiding civil society. Iustitia wants to build trust and break down barriers in the public’s attitude towards judges and work for changes that will put the legal situation in Poland in order and reform the judiciary. Judges conduct online classes for schools, they can talk to the youngest “about the Queen who abolished all rights” and explain what the constitution is in the convention of a fairy tale, as well as conduct a simulated trial for slightly older children. As part of their educational activities, they participate, inter alia, in music festivals (Pol’and’Rock, Opener Festival), book fairs in Warsaw and Krakow, run legal cafes (e.g. in Warsaw, Poznań, Opole, Bydgoszcz, Włocławek, Gdańsk, Lublin, Zielona Góra), co-organise throughout Poland the Day of Legal Education and Justice Days. One of Iustitia’s high-profile initiatives was the organisation of the “March of 1000 Togs” on 11.01.2020 (opposing the dismantling of the rule of law in Poland), which was attended by around 30,000 people. At the 1st Congress of Polish Lawyers (2017), co-organised by Iustitia, it was decided to establish the Social Codification Commission, which prepared draft opinions and legal acts concerning, inter alia, the NCJ, delegation of judges to other courts and bodies, and culminated in a scenario for restoring the rule of law in Poland, implementing the rulings of the CJEU and the ECHR (adopted by the Agreement for the Rule of Law and subsequently brought to the Sejm). Thanks to the organisational grant, the organisation is planning activation, education and integration activities – meetings open to citizens, publications and conferences on justice and the rule of law, a new edition of the youth handbook, internal integration of the judicial community and development of cooperation with judges from other EU countries.

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 8,000.00 to enhance the products and results achieved under this grant.

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