Reviving the Functioning of European Clubs
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-11-2021 - 31-08-2023
in progress
Project cost:
74 493,00 EUR
72 493,00 EUR
Types of activities:
social actions and campaigns, educational activities, networking
Target groups:
educators, youth, teachers

According to our ‘Young Poles’ attitudes to the EU’ study, individuals aged 16-25 have little knowledge on the functioning of the European Union and do not feel strongly attached to it. This results from low level of EU education in schools – only dry facts are discussed, and practical or useful information is left out. We believe that the lack of knowledge can trigger radicalisation or increase proneness to manipulation of facts, which is why proper European education of youths is so vital.
We will address this problem by organising workshops for existing European Club activists that will raise their competencies in organising grassroots activities, strengthen their motivation to continue working, and will inspire them with ideas for new projects. We will also organise for them nationwide meetings as an opportunity to exchange experience. Then club activists along with youths will organise events for local communities to discuss the place of Poland in the EU. Together with club representatives we will prepare educational materials and agendas to organise such meetings in the future. We will run an educational campaign in social media on the initiatives and functioning of the EU. We will also create a map of European Clubs in Poland and will publish it on our website along with information on their activity and contact details.
In our activities we will be supported by our partner – the Professor Bronisław Geremek Centrum Foundation, which has vast experience in running EU-related workshops for pupils and teachers. The Foundation team will support us with the recruitment, will run some training sessions and will prepare educational materials.

We use the grant for capacity building

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