Saving the Głogoczów identity from oblivion.
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Fjellugla Kompetanse AS, Tynset, Norway
01-10-2021 - 31-10-2022
Project cost:
34 998,00 EUR
34 479,22 EUR
Types of activities:
activities to activate local communities (animation), art activities, educational activities
Target groups:
women, local community

Our observations confirm that an increasing number of citizens in the town of Głogoczów (Myślenice municipality, Małopolskie Voivodeship) is composed of individuals who migrated there recently. As a result, it is increasingly difficult to retain and develop a sense of local identity and community. The results of our survey showed that individuals currently living in Głogoczów see a problem with weakening relationships between neighbors, increasing divisions and the disappearance of traditions in our village. Majority of respondents believes that the Głogoczów Civic Archive, currently in development, could serve as a place dedicated to engaging local community around the history and the culture of the village. In our survey, we asked citizens of Głogoczów what would be the best way to activate all of us into a shared activity and the project was pointed to as the answer to their needs.
As part of the celebrations of the tenth anniversary of our organization – Rural Housewives Asscoiation of Głogoczów, which has served as a center for local activities and is in charge of the development of the Civic Archive – we have conducted interviews with senior members of our organization, collected archival photographs, and organized an exhibition entitled “To Save from Oblivion…” Together with the local youth we have conducted workshops on terrain games, which resulted in two quests for our small town: Explorers Journey: On the Trail of Głogoczów’s Bells, and Tour de Głogoczów – In Anna Szafraniec’ Footsteps. For those interested, we have also organized culinary workshops that focused on local traditions. Together with other community members we have developed a formula for a summary meeting and with the help of our local Volunteer Fire Department we organized a fair. Several hundred people attended the festivities.
Fjellugla Kompetanse AS Folk University was our partner. The organization has rich experience in developing local communities and preserving local heritage. We visited the university to exchange knowledge and to learn good practices that will be applicable in Głogoczów.
Our evaluation surveys have shown that the project managed to activate our citizens and increase their sense of identity and connection to the place and its history. We have also witnessed tightening of neighborly relationships across our village.

We use the grant for capacity building

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