Support program for women immigrants who experience gender-based violence
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 30-12-2022
in progress
Project cost:
75 000,00 EUR
75 000,00 EUR
Types of activities:
intervention actions and assistance for women exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence, counteracting gender-based violence, training of professional groups
Target groups:
activists / community leaders, women, migrants, professionals

This project addresses the issue of domestic violence and workplace abuse of female immigrants. According to a survey conducted by the Foundation, as many as 78% of female immigrants have experienced some form of workplace abuse, and 52% have mentioned sexual harassment. Female immigrants who experience domestic violence are in an especially difficult position – the factors in the decision to seek help include the language barrier and concerns regarding legal residence status or working legally, fear of loss of custody of children to their partner, and financial dependence. As a result, they are isolated and remain in a situation in which they are abused. The number of immigrants in Poland is steadily increasing, but often they have limited access to support.
The Project Promoter will open a consultation and crisis support centre for abused female immigrants where women are given psychological and legal support. Female integration councillors of foreign background will provide information on how to get help, and accompany women on visits to aid institutions where necessary. The Project Promoter will also hold four integration meetings for female immigrants to enhance community skills and cope with stress. It will also provide 60 hours of training on gender-based violence or working with foreigners for people working in CSOs, social welfare, the police, and interdisciplinary teams. A map of services available for abused female immigrants will also be created. There will be a public campaign aimed at the immigrant community on various forms of violence and the options for seeking support and reacting to violence.
Approximately 300 female immigrants at risk of violence will be given comprehensive crisis support due to the envisaged measures. The subject of domestic violence will be raised in the immigrant community, and awareness of the problem and competencies to recognize and react to violence will improve.

We use the grant for capacity building

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