WARNiK – Wielkopolska CSO Advocacy and Cooperation Academy
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Newschool, Oslo, Norway
04-01-2021 - 31-10-2022
Project cost:
84 393,00 EUR
84 393,00 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, counselling, self-advocacy
Target groups:
officials and employees of public institutions

The project addresses the problem of local governments’ reluctance to outsource public tasks to NGOs and social enterprises in Wielkopolska municipalities. Despite their potential and expertise, few social organisations are involved in activities for people at risk of exclusion. On the one hand, employees and workers of organisations do not have the resources to engage in dialogue with local government units, while on the other hand, local governments do not appreciate the importance or potential of NGOs in the provision of social services. This in turn has a negative impact on the sustainability of the organisations themselves. In addition, people at risk of exclusion are not themselves asked for their opinion – they are not involved in consultations or decisions about who should carry out public tasks.
The project organised the Wielkopolska Advocacy Academy, which consisted of training, study visits, webinars and coaching. The Academy was attended by 42 people from 14 municipalities in Wielkopolska: people at risk of exclusion (including the long-term sick, the elderly, the unemployed), people from social organisations and municipal offices. The trainings covered – depending on the group – social participation, the role of social organisations, tripartite cooperation, formal and legal commissioning of tasks, negotiations. Project participants took part in a webinar hosted by a Norwegian partner on local cooperation and advocacy, as well as study visits to community organisations working successfully with the municipality. They were also provided with coaching in the development of an activity plan, research into the needs of the local community and consultation on ideas for commissioning tasks to community organisations.
An important outcome of the project was the exchange of experience and dialogue made possible through networking. Groups of people participating in the academy improved their competences and skills in areas such as self-advocacy, cooperation with different actors or participation, and people at risk of exclusion regained their agency. As a result of the project, 10 municipalities commissioned 11 new tasks to NGOs, e.g. in the area of support for senior citizens, integration of residents, support for foreigners, children and young people. A handbook was also produced on how to involve people at risk of exclusion in advocacy and cooperation between social organisations and local authorities.

We use the grant for capacity building

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