The project addresses the problem of increasing violence and discrimination based on psychosexual orientation and gender identity and the lack of support for LGBT+ youth in Sądecczyzna region. The problem is part of the political and media campaign against LGBT+ people in Poland. Three years ago, throughout Poland – including in the Sądecczyzna region – local governments en masse established so-called “LGBT-free zones.” These measures were accompanied by radicalization of social attitudes, growing homophobia and transphobia – Poland quickly topped the ranking of the most homophobic countries in Europe (ILGA Europe). Meanwhile, nearly 70% of LGBT+ people say they have experienced violence and had suicidal thoughts. In Malopolska, the situation is even more alarming – as many as 84% of LGBT+ people here have experienced discrimination based on sexual orientation or gender identity. There is no place in the Sądecczyzna region where LGBT+ youth can seek support anonymously and free of charge.
As part of the project, LGBT+ youth (213 people) experiencing violence and discrimination from the Sądecczyzna region received support – primarily psychological, but also legal. The Project Promoter conducted an information campaign on the Internet and in schools about the support offered, and organized a conference for schools on counteracting homophobia and supporting LGBT+ students. The grantee also made a study visit to a Krakow-based LGBT+ support organization to get a closer look at the specifics of such an organization’s work.
The project was aimed primarily at LGBT+ youth living in the Sądecczyzna region. Psychological and legal support helped young people cope with traumatic experiences and raised their self-esteem. Indirectly, the activities also involved schools, male and female students, as well as principals and teaching staff. These individuals participated in discussions about the phenomenon of homophobia in schools – often ignored – and how schools can support LGBT+ students.