We Will Clean the World Together
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-01-2022 - 30-04-2023
in progress
Project cost:
29 996,00 EUR
29 996,00 EUR
Types of activities:
social actions and campaigns, educational activities, environmental protection activities, civic participation, networking
Target groups:
local community

Our observations show that in communes in which we operate, namely Tuszyn, Rzgów and Brójce (Łódzkie province), inhabitants have insufficient knowledge on perils related to environmental degradation caused by human activity. Most burning problems include litter scattered everywhere, black smoke from chimneys and high use of plastic carrier bags for groceries. Local authorities have already engaged in projects devoted to similar topics, but the above issues have not been solved.
In our project we will attract inhabitants’ attention to the problem of littering their neighbourhoods and we will encourage them to do something for the environment. We will jointly organise ten eco patrols. Each will be provided with a starter kit including bags, litter stickers, reusable water bottles and reflective bands. They will collect litter from woods, meadows or public areas. The Foundation and foresters from public forests will collect it. Each patrol will document its work, and photos will be published in social media. Furthermore, in each commune we will hold eco workshops devoted to upcycling, less waste methods, and ways to planning one’s own eco projects. At the same time, we will measure the quality of air in various places in each of three communes every week, publishing the results on the project fanpage, so that inhabitants know the condition of air they breathe.

We use the grant for capacity building

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