Young and Diverse – Nothing Decided about Us without Us
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-02-2021 - 30-12-2022
Project cost:
60 730,00 EUR
60 730,00 EUR
Types of activities:
social actions and campaigns, educational activities, self-advocacy
Target groups:
children, LGBT+, youth, minorities, teachers

The project addresses the problem of discrimination, prejudice-motivated violence and peer violence in schools. Discrimination based on gender identity, sexual orientation or origin is unfortunately widespread in Poland. According to KPH research, almost two thirds of LGBTQ people have experienced some form of violence, and as many as a quarter of people named school as a place where they had experienced violence in the last two years. In Poland, up to 43 per cent of black people, 18 per cent of Ukrainians and 8 per cent of Muslims may have experienced a hate crime (Ombudsman and ODIHR 2016-2017).The situation of people on the autism spectrum is also alarming. Research shows that 90 per cent of people on the spectrum have been bullied at school, with 63 per cent experiencing psychological violence and 27 per cent experiencing physical violence (OSA 2016). Schools and colleges are therefore the places where young people with diverse identities experience violence. At the same time, Polish schools do not provide anti-discrimination education, counter hate speech, raise awareness of the needs of minorities and promote acceptance of diversity.
As part of the project, experienced self-advocates ran anti-discrimination workshops for students in three schools. A total of 10 workshops and four debates were held with 260 participants. Training was also organised for 68 teachers to prepare them for anti-discrimination work with young people. The last group of participants were university students. An electronic ‘safety box’, a tool to identify the problem of discrimination and violence in schools/universities, was also introduced in the cooperating schools. Self-development and activation workshops were also held for three groups of self-advocates: people on the autism spectrum, LGBTQ people and people from ethnic and national minorities. The workshops were attended by 40 people, some of whom received counselling and then took part in webinars on each of the three grounds of discrimination.
The project filled a gap in the lack of anti-discrimination education in Polish schools. Workshop participants were made aware of the needs and difficult experiences of people at risk of exclusion because of their sexual orientation, gender identity, origin or autism spectrum disorder. People representing diverse identities were also empowered and as many as 9 of them were actively involved in the preparation of project activities and tried their hand at self-advocacy.

We use the grant for capacity building

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