A good place
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-01-2022 - 30-12-2023
Project cost:
35 743,92 EUR
29 800,00 EUR
Types of activities:
respite care / supported housing
Target groups:
persons with disabilities

Autism occurs in 1.46% of the population (GUifeng Xu 2016). Lack of independence is a major problem faced by this group. We know from therapeutic excursions that when they are separated from their facility, people with autism are forced to be independent, and manage very well. A sense of agency makes them responsible, and this is a huge step towards adulthood (regardless of metric age). Information we have gathered and research conducted by Association “AS” in 2019 shows that training residences are needed, operated according to a different standard regarding duration than the municipal or county resources (duration of residence a few months or half a year).
This project addresses the lack of facilities to enable people with autism to become independent, suited to their capabilities, and the low level of public awareness of their needs.
Under the project, we will renovate and furnish a training residence. We will conduct training or instructional classes on a topic determined according to needs and capabilities of the participants (how to manage in a team, how to communicate, how to express one’s needs, and employee competences, basics of economics or hotel management). At any given time, 2-4 people and carers assisting them (also people with autism) will use the residence. We envisage rotations of between 3 and 14 days. We will create a group of people, organisations, and institutions involved in the measures and supporting social campaigns (two large-scale meetings, smaller meetings in subgroups every two months).
The result will be a residence providing independence, used by 78 people. Eight people with autism will be employed in the residence.
The measures will cover 168 young people with autism from all over Poland.
The project partner, Association for Help for Children and Adults with Asperger’s Syndrome and Related Disorders “AS”, will provide the premises, conduct training, and ensure supervision over operation of the training residence.

We use the grant for capacity building

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