Active immigrants for their communities
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
06-11-2020 - 31-12-2021
Project cost:
62 326,68 EUR
60 184,68 EUR
Types of activities:
counselling, assistants' support
Target groups:

The project responds to the problem of the lack of an effective migration policy and the growing prejudice and violence against migrants. Meanwhile, immigration to Poland is on the rise, influenced in particular by Russia’s aggression against Ukraine in recent months. Migrants now make up more than 10 per cent of the population of Gdansk. Unfortunately, there is no coherent, effective migration policy in Poland, which translates into the poor situation of migrants, especially with regard to legalisation of residence and work. Moreover, the system is often abused. Cases are processed in record time, migrants are not effectively informed about procedures and required documents (NIK, 2019). In offices and NGOs, consultations are mainly provided by Polish counsellors and advisors. Meanwhile, migrants’ resources, such as, for example, knowing the language from their country of origin or understanding the cultural context, could be used to improve the system.

The project implemented activities to support migrants in the Tri-city area. Two assistants for children with migrant experience were employed in schools and supported a total of 94 children. 10 networking meetings were organised for assistants working in local schools. During the meetings, in addition to the exchange of experiences, recommendations were developed for the education system regarding the support and adaptation of children with migrant experience. The Immigrant Right Defense Center for people who have experienced violence, discrimination, systemic abuse was also reactivated; 43 people benefited from the Center’s support. The last activity was a one-year internship for 2 persons with a migrant background preparing them for residence counselling.

Thanks to the project, 4 people from the migrant community have developed their professional competences. Their potential was realised by involving them in outreach activities for migrants. 3 of them found employment after the project. Ultimately, the project benefited the migrant community of the Tricity, who received comprehensive, individual, high-quality support – above all with regard to legalisation of residence or employment rights. The assistantship in schools translated into effective integration of children into the education system and school environment. In addition, the activities of the Center uncovered cases of violence and discrimination, which were taken to court and public institutions.

We use the grant for capacity building

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