Biodiversity – Our Treasure
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Tomaszów Lubelski
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-10-2021 - 30-06-2023
in progress
Project cost:
30 000,00 EUR
30 000,00 EUR
Types of activities:
activities to activate local communities (animation), educational activities, environmental protection activities
Target groups:
children, youth, elderly, local community

The Lubelskie province is a largely agricultural region, mostly with big farms utilising vast quantities of plant protection agents and mineral fertilisers which reduces the number of beneficial insects and invertebrates. Based on our community interviews, we can see that inhabitants of Lublin villages have little knowledge about environmental protection activities. Our observations show that they still believe that environmental protection requires high financial outlays. Older people often know very little about ecology, while children’s ecological education is limited to several basic issues that by no means exhaust the topic.
We will address this problem by approaching the topic of ecology from the perspective of biodiversity which can be both easy and attractive in rural areas. For children we will prepare explainers in the fairy-tale convention clarifying the role of insects and we will send them to all kindergartens and primary schools in the Lubelskie province. We will also prepare colouring pages devoted to environmental topics and a family educational board game which we will promote in schools and on our website. At the foundation we will run classes on biodiversity for children from our region, and the lesson plan will be sent to schools and kindergartens in our province. Ten workshops on organic gardening will be organised for adult province inhabitants, each crowned with starting a sustainable garden featuring info boards on plants and insects. All aids that will be made in physical format will be printed on recycled materials.

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