Children know their rights
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Regional Committee for the Protection of Children's Rights, Łódź, Poland
01-10-2021 - 31-05-2023
Project cost:
29 999,98 EUR
29 999,98 EUR
Types of activities:
art activities, educational activities
Target groups:
children, teachers

This project will address the problem of children not knowing their rights, and teachers not having the skills to address this issue. Meanwhile, research shows that one in ten children in Poland are unhappy – primarily due to problems at school and study overload. One in four children experience verbal abuse, and one in ten physical violence. Children feel that they have no say in decisions that affect them. On the other hand, children who do not know their rights do not know that their rights are abused and do not tell anyone. Moreover, the pandemic has been harmful in almost every sphere of children’s lives (increase in domestic violence, schoolwork overload).
Materials will be produced on children’s rights for working with primary school children – including lesson plans and three animated films made by children presenting their point of view. The Project Promoter will test the materials in two workshops for teachers (twenty people). The project will culminate in a conference on children’s rights for approximately 100 teachers, combined with demo lessons and presentation of materials.
The project will benefit primary school teachers in the Łódź region (approximately 100 people) and pupils who participate at the film-making or material testing stage (approximately 550 people). Teaching personnel will improve their knowledge and skills for conducting children’s rights classes, and will be more willing to raise the issue of children’s rights in schools. In turn, pupils will have specific tools to exercise their rights and seek support when they are not respected.
The project partner is the Local Children’s Rights Defense Committee, which protects children against harm and breach of their rights. The Committee will be included in production of the teaching materials.

We use the grant for capacity building

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