Civic Center – Leśna Municipality Works for the Climate
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Community's Pupils' Sport Club Kwisa, Leśna, Poland
Lesna Community, Leśna, Poland
01-01-2021 - 31-10-2022
in progress
Project cost:
65 800,00 EUR
65 800,00 EUR
Types of activities:
activities to activate local communities (animation), educational activities, environmental protection activities, civic participation
Target groups:
youth, elderly, local community

Leśna Municipality (Lower Silesia Voivodeship) lacks a space where new initiatives could be developed and engage the local community. There are also very few active organizations, and those that are need support. There is a need for more pro-active initiatives for the young people, who often don’t believe they have any influence over the matters of their municipality. Responding to those needs, we will create a Civic Center serving Leśna Municipality.

We will organize a series of trainings for the local NGOs that will increase competences of the leaders in our municipality and show them how to engage more members of the community. We will promote the new Civic Center through sporting events and arts and crafts workshops. We will also conduct “Do It Yourself” classes for the youth using recyclable materials. These classes will be merged with gardening classes for seniors, which will allow for an intergenerational integration.

The Center will be a place for dialogue about the development of the municipality and the region. Questions such as “Is the attitude of “Don’t fix it if it isn’t broken” still good for the municipality and its people?” and “What does the climate change and the Green Order mean for Leśna and the region?” will be asked during the conference that will open up our debate on the “green transformation” of our region. The presence of the basalt mines in our area and coal mines in the neighboring Bogatynia, their future and impact on the community, are among the subjects our citizens are divided by. We will invite representatives from neighboring municipalities and districts, both from local governments and local NGOs, as well as experts on local development to participate in the debate.

Leśna Municipality is our partner, and it will provide us with the space for the Center. Our second partner is the People’s and Students’ Sports Club “Kwisa” that will help with organizing sporting events, as well as running the Center and recruiting participants.

We use the grant for capacity building

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