Climate Experimentarium
civic activity
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Folkeakademiet Rogaland, Tvedestrand, Norway
LEVEL UP Association, Łódź, Poland
04-01-2021 - 30-06-2022
Project cost:
15 701,17 EUR
15 701,17 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, intergenerational activities, environmental protection activities
Target groups:
youth, elderly

We implemented the project in selected municipalities around Warsaw, where we operate, and in Łódź, where we collaborated with the LEVEL UP Association, which supported us with their team and experience. According to our conducted research, the youth in the regions we targeted overwhelmingly believe that they have no influence over the subjects and form of education they receive. The surveyed individuals pointed out the lack of practical activities in which they could actively engage. At the same time, according to Eurostat data, seniors in Poland are significantly less socially active than the average citizens. Disturbingly, other Eurostat data indicated a high number of suicides in this age group in Poland, while in Scandinavian countries, where older people are engaged in volunteer and educational activities, suicides are less prevalent.

We responded to the above-mentioned issues by conducting a series of intergenerational workshops. During these workshops, older individuals and the youth exchanged knowledge and experiences related to health, money saving, technologies, and climate care. We organized a study visit to our foreign partner – Folkeakademiet Rogaland in Norway, during which we learned about the teaching methods of the folk high school. We familiarized ourselves with the practices of this institution, which provide a sense of agency to learners, foster intergenerational dialogue, and teach active engagement in civic matters. We introduced this method to selected schools in our vicinity, organized workshops for the youth, and supported them in conducting their research projects. Based on these projects, local initiatives related to civic activity or environmental protection were created. The culmination of the project was preparing materials on the best practices of youth engagement and intergenerational activities.

Thanks to the project, we were able to activate the youth and seniors in civic activities and environmental protection. Equally importantly, we integrated both age groups, showing them that they have much to learn from each other.

We use the grant for capacity building

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