Girls with strength, courage and solidarity* defend themselves!
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
Slagtog - Femínísk sjálfsvörn, Reykjavík, Iceland
01-10-2021 - 31-07-2023
Project cost:
103 950,21 EUR
86 759,59 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, counteracting gender-based violence
Target groups:
women, educators

This project concerns gender-based violence, especially towards girls and young women. The scale of the problem is alarming in Poland – one in three teenage girls have had a distressing sexual experience, and one in ten has been sexually abused. The scale of violence increased rapidly during the pandemic. Teenage girls are in a poor state of mental health, have suicidal thoughts, eating disorders, and depression. Girls with disabilities are especially at risk of violence. This problem is part of the broader social and political context. Since 2015, the government has been actively destroying equality initiatives, taking away their funding, prohibiting lessons on discrimination in schools, announcing withdrawal from the Istanbul Convention on Violence, etc.
The Project Promoter will organize WenDo coach training – combating violence, assertiveness, and women’s self-defense – for people working with girls and young women, including people with disabilities
To conclude, in a 16-day Campaign against Gender-Based Violence, female participants will conduct diploma workshops – in total eleven WenDo workshops for girls and young women and adult women working with young people, and three supplementary seminars and a networking meeting for all female WenDo coaches.
22 people will participate and gain competencies and qualifications to work as female WenDo coaches. Female WenDo coaches from all over Poland will improve their competencies in working with people with disabilities, get to know each other, and form closer relationships. Ultimately, girls and young women – female participants in WenDo training will benefit – they will learn to set boundaries and the concept of consent, and be better equipped to recognize and react to discrimination and violence.
Working with the Icelandic Partner Slagtog, the Project Promoter will go on a study tour providing know-how on prevention of violence towards girls and young women and the WenDo method.

We use the grant for capacity building

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