Głusi MałopolskaTV24
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-02-2021 - 31-12-2022
Project cost:
71 156,46 EUR
71 156,46 EUR
Types of activities:
information activities, counselling, self-advocacy
Target groups:
persons with disabilities

The project responds to the problem of exclusion and discrimination of Deaf people and their consequent low participation in public life. The vast majority of Deaf people (84%) report a lack of knowledge about their civil rights, including those under the Sign Language Act. Social infrastructure and services are not adapted to the needs of Deaf people. The sign language interpretation is still rare. Until recently, only 1/4 of the websites of public institutions met accessibility standards for people with disabilities (the situation improved after the Digital Accessibility Act came into force). Deaf people have limited opportunities to participate in the social affairs of their own community; they are often treated as dependent and have to rely on family assistance to deal with civic matters.
The project launched a regional TV channel for the Deaf community in Malopolska. The channel was co-hosted by people who had previously taken part in a journalism training course. The TV material produced covered current issues and problems in the everyday life of the Deaf community, events involving the Deaf community and the activities of the project promoter’s local circles in Malopolska. A series of 8 debates were organised and broadcast online; the topics of the debates included education and accessibility. Deaf people benefited from legal and civic advice (106 hours) as well as training in social skills and self-advocacy. Five meetings were also held with so-called Ambassadors of Success, i.e. Deaf people who have been successful in socio-professional activities.
Thanks to the project, the Deaf community in Malopolska has gained a new information channel that focuses on the needs and experiences of Deaf people. Deaf people have improved their competences and skills in various areas: journalistic work, self-advocacy, social participation. The project’s activities contributed to raising awareness of the rights of Deaf people and had a positive impact on their social activism.

We use the grant for capacity building

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