National Federation of Polish NGOs
organisational grant
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-05-2022 - 30-04-2024
in progess
Project cost:
100 000,00 EUR
100 000,00 EUR

National Federation of Polish NGOs is an independent nationwide federation with over 130 organisations (and indirectly over 1,100 member organisations). Its members are active at national, regional and local levels in the areas of third sector advocacy, watchdog activities, human rights, social integration, ecology. Within NFPN there is the Our Ombudsman initiative, through which the activities of the Ombudsman’s office are socialised. The aim of NFPN is to advocate for the interests of the NGO environment, to create space for civic dialogue on the identity and principles of operation of organisations, and to support the activity of citizens/media organised in the form of associations and foundations. NFPN monitors and advocates for changes in law and public policies, supports the participation of organisations in the process of EU integration, animates discussions around the values and identity and standards of operation of social organisations. Successes in recent years include the introduction of legislation on simplified accounting, amendments to the Law on Associations, blocking unfavourable legislation on public collections. NFPN prepares several positions a month on issues important for the sector. Supports NGOs delegating their representatives to monitoring committees and dialogue bodies, offering them comprehensive support as well as monitoring their activity and effectiveness in representing the sector. It runs the Network on Partnerships and European Funds, bringing together more than 200 representatives of organisations to engage civil society in the process of shaping the Cohesion Policy. Thanks to the institutional grant, NFPN plans to develop its communication activities, strengthen its advocacy activities at the national level (e.g. continuous monitoring of legal changes and taking its own initiatives) and at the EU level (active participation in the European debate and provision of reliable information from Poland to the EU and from the EU to Poland).

The organisation received an additional grant of EUR 8,000.00 to enhance the products and results achieved under this grant.

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