OKNO: Assisting children following oncology treatment
empowerment of vulnerable groups
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
01-02-2021 - 30-11-2022
Project cost:
62 500,00 EUR
62 500,00 EUR
Types of activities:
counselling, self-organization / self-help, psychological support
Target groups:
relatives, children, persons with medical conditions

The project addresses the problem of insufficient support for children with cancer and their families. About 70% of young cancer patients are cured, but the disease changes the daily life of the family and the child, cutting off social contacts and depriving them of a carefree childhood. Prolonged uncertainty and anxiety often block the way back to everyday life as it was before the diagnosis. In addition, traumatic experiences obscure parents’ true picture of the child, his or her abilities and needs. There is clearly a need for comprehensive support for children after oncological treatment – in their emotional and social development – as well as support for the whole system, i.e. their families.
The project prepared a number of different forms of support for children after oncological treatment and for their families. Forty-two therapeutic and educational meetings for families and 26 group and individual therapeutic meetings were organised. Participants also took part in three integration and respite trips. A large self-help meeting was organised for dozens of families affected by a child’s oncological illness, where participants shared their experiences. The grantee conducted a nationwide awareness campaign on the difficulties faced by children and their families after cancer treatment. A guide for children with cancer and their families was also produced.
Twenty-four ex-patients, aged 7-13, and their families involved in the oncology treatment process benefited from the support. These individuals increased their self-esteem and sense of security, developed skills to manage strong emotions and improved their communication skills. Undoubtedly, the integrative nature of many of the activities is also important. Parents were also supported in the process of their children becoming more independent and open to different activities.

We use the grant for capacity building

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