Out of the box – women’s development scheme
human rights
City (headquarters):
Voivodeship (headquarters):
02-11-2021 - 30-06-2023
Project cost:
28 999,00 EUR
28 999,00 EUR
Types of activities:
educational activities, intervention actions and assistance for women exposed to violence, including domestic and sexual violence
Target groups:
women, persons experiencing violence

The project is a response to the problem of gender-based violence in the Kwidzyn district. Recently, the number of Blue Cards established every year exceeds one hundred. Nearly 40% of cases of domestic violence are psychological (more often invisible, unrecognised or ignored), and in 34%, physical violence. The situation has worsened in the era of the Covid-19 pandemic and social isolation. In the past, the Project Promoter ran a Crisis Intervention Centre for several years and collaborated with anti-violence institutions in Kwidzyn city. However, there are currently many gaps in the local anti-violence programmes. The institutions of the anti-violence system find it difficult to reach people in difficult life situations. Measures are still sometimes designed in such a way that victims of violence are treated as low-powered, helpless and without influence on their life situation. This gap was filled by the Project Promoter.

As part of the project, a group of 15 women experiencing violence received individual psychological and legal support and took part in individual and group therapy. The therapy and counselling were complemented by workshops to improve the self-esteem and competences of the women (e.g. in the area of their rights, financial management, and visage). Project participants took part in a study visit to the WAGA Association in Gdańsk, which works for women and socially excluded people. The workshops on planning and implementing mini-projects resulted in 5 mini-projects addressed to the local community: the preparation of Christmas decorations, a fundraising event for a sick child, a photo session, the organisation of a Women’s Day happening, and the organisation of two training sessions for parents and young people entitled “How to talk about sexuality” in cooperation with the PONONT Group and the AKWEDUKT Association.

Above all, these activities provided comprehensive support to women after experiencing violence. Their self-esteem and readiness for autonomous self-determination, their sense of empowerment, their readiness to work on themselves, their insight into their own emotional processes and their motivation to work for the local community increased. Their leadership competences and abilities to plan and realise social activities were strengthened. The participants established cooperation with the city library, a local association and an expert organisation for sex education. Around 100 people took part in the mini-projects they designed. These activities have provided the local community with a group of socially engaged women who can influence the life of the district in the future.

We use the grant for capacity building

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